Tin Roof Cheesecake with Caramel Sauce

Tin Roof Cheesecake with Caramel Sauce

Tin Roof Cheesecake

Sometimes, our favourite foods have really weird names. Case in point: Tin roof ice cream. Who the heck decided that chocolate + peanuts = tin roof?! I mean, I’m bad at math but seriously? Apparently someone thought that the sound peanuts made when they fall out of the tin (obviously back in the day when plastic didn’t exist), made them think of rain on a tin roof. Dunno about you, but peanuts rolling out of a tin sounds like dinnertime to me. And speaking of dinnertime – CHEESECAKE!

A slice of Tin Roof Cheesecake
You know why I love cheesecake? Because it’s both cheese and cake. (Hey, you asked) And because I love it so much, I shall cover it in all sorts of delicious and wondrous things! Tin roof ice cream was a favourite of mine as a kid – and I’m pretty sure we all have our childhood memories of the flavour so this cheesecake is packed with peanut and chocolate nostalgia which basically means it’s oozing chocolate sauce and crammed full of chocolate-coated peanuts. Did I mention the toffee sauce?
Soft brown sugar makes the best caramel sauce
Because I always go next-level, I do it for you, really I do, I’ve added a toffee sauce to the Tin Roof rif, which seriously, SHOULD have been there all along! What’s ice cream without a toffee ripple? Boring that’s what. My legendary toffee sauce is made with the Natura Sugars Soft Brown Sugar. It looks like beach sand – and yes, I want to put my toes in it and wiggle them around which is totally inappropriate, but, come on, I know you’re thinking it too! I also want to put it in just about everything. It’s got this creamy fudgy flavour that makes mindblowing toffee sauce (as well as biscuits, chelsea buns and anything else that you want to taste like a toffee flavour bomb).
Tin Roof Cheesecake
I’m thinking this would be a pretty spectacular Christmas dessert but kudos to you if you can wait that long! Heck, why not just make it this weekend for no other reason than you want to shove your face in it. I’m here to tell you that’s totally okay. But if you do choose to share it, remember when someone asks you, ‘What flavour is that deliciously incredible-looking cheesecake?!” your answer should be: ‘The Kate Tin Roof’.

Tin Roof Fridge Cheesecake

Serves 10-12


250g chocolate biscuits

75g melted butter


4 tbsp Natura Soft Brown Sugar

40g extra butter

4 tbsp cream


4 tbsp cream

100g The Kate Tin Milk Baking Chocolate, chopped


3 tsp gelatine

60ml water

500g full fat cream cheese

110g Natura Soft Brown Sugar

250ml cream, whipped

60g chocolate coated peanuts

60g peanut-nougat chocolate bar, chopped

Place chocolate biscuits and butter in a food processor and process until fine. Press into the bottom of a lined 20cm springform cake tin. Refrigerate until set.

Make the sauce by placing the sugar in a small saucepan and heat until melted and caramelized. Add the butter and cream and swirl to form a sauce.

Heat the cream and chocolate until melted and smooth.

To make the cheesecake: sprinkle the gelatine over the water and allow it to soak up all the water. Melt over gently simmering water until dissolved then allow to cool slightly. Beat the cream cheese and caster sugar together until smooth then stir in the gelatine. Fold in the whipped cream, peanuts and chopped chocolate bar. Pour half the cheese mixture into the prepared tin, drizzle 1/3 the butterscotch sauce, 1/3 the chocolate sauce. Top with remaining cream cheese mixture and sauces, leaving 1/3 of the sauces for the top. Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours or until set.


Caramel Sauce in a vintage copper pot
Disclaimer: This post has been sponsored by Natura Sugars who produce a range of really special sugars that are unrefined and made according to traditional Mauritian sugar-making techniques. The sugars are non-GM, non-irradiated and unbleached with no preservatives, colourants or syrups added which basically means they are pure, natural and packed with flavour! They’re available from Spar, Checkers and Pick ‘n Pay stores.