Easy No-Churn Watermelon Sorbet

Easy No-Churn Watermelon Sorbet

It ain’t summer without watermelon, right? Long lazy weekends by the pool (or the beach) chomping on a slice of bright pink watermelon and not even noticing that the juice is dripping down your elbows ‘cos it tastes THAT delicious! Aaaah watermelon TASTES like summer and it’s even better when it’s frozen. And so let me introduce you to my no-churn, instant (yes, you read that right – INSTANT) sorbet that requires almost zero effort. It’s so easy to make the kids can help. I’ve added a touch of booze (which you can obviously leave out for a kiddy version – but the touch of sea salt on the glass? That’s a must! It adds that salty tang that will bring back memories of munching watermelon slices on the beach!

No-Churn Watermelon Sorbet

Serves 3-4


4 tbsp Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar

4 cups chopped watermelon chunks or juice (seeds removed), frozen

squeeze of lime

1-2 tbsp Campari or Aperol (optional)

pinch of sea salt


Place the sugar and frozen watermelon chunks in a blender with a squeeze of lime and the Campari or Aperol, if using. Blend until the mixture is a thick, frozen slushy consistency. Served immediately or pour into a container or baking tin (a loaf tin works well) and freeze until firm. Serve scoops in frozen glasses rimmed with sea salt.



TIP Use this recipe to create whatever sorbet you’re craving – simply swop out the frozen watermelon for frozen pineapple, mango, raspberries, strawberries or any seasonal fruit mix.