Peppermint Crisp Hot Chocolate

Peppermint Crisp Hot Chocolate

You haven’t had hot chocolate until you’ve had THIS hot chocolate. Flavoured with one of my guilty pleasures, peppermint crisp, it adds a decadent, local twist. The trick to making a really good hot chocolate, is to make a thick paste from cocoa powder, sugar and milk before adding the milk. This gives you a velvety, thick, rich hot chocolate!


Serves 2


2 tbsp The Kate Tin Cocoa Powder

1 tbsp brown sugar

500ml milk

100g The Kate Tin Dark Baking Chocolate, chopped

1 peppermint crisp bar, crushed plus extra to garnish

whipped cream, mini white marshmallows, to decorate


Whisk the cocoa powder, sugar and 3 tbsp milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until thick and glossy. Whisk in the rest of the milk, chopped dark chocolate and peppermint crisp. Heat until just below boiling point then pour into cups. Decorate with whipped cream, marshmallows, chocolate shavings and peppermint crisp.



Chocolate Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake

Chocolate Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake


Is Chocolate and Peppermint THE power couple of the dessert world?

Why yes, yes I think they are! Just look at how good they look together – they were clearly just mint to be! (#sorrynotsorry)

I have an odd relationship with mint chocolate. It was not something I always loved but what I do remember, is that during the holidays after my sister and I would go to bed, my mom would sneak out a box of those thin mint chocolates when she thought the coast was clear. The fact that the grown-ups were devouring chocolate when I was trying to fall asleep to the sound of wrappers crinkling, elevated those mint chocolates to lust-worthy status. You know, you always want what you can’t have!

Don’t worry, I’ve made up for the amount of mint chocolate I missed out on as a kid though – probably 3 times over – which brings me to my latest flavour combination. This ice cream cake is so retro it would be embarrassing if not for the fact that it tastes so darn good! I know frosted mint leaves are so 70’s but there’s a reason why they’ve been around so long! When you add that beautiful thin veil of the best sugar you can find onto fresh mint (I used the unrefined Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar), the crisp crystallized leaves add a sweet crunch to the ice cream that’s just perfection with the dark chocolate sauce!

The ice cream itself is the real deal – none of that fake mint flavouring here please! It’s rich, creamy and made with mint from that bush that’s been taking over your garden and just keeps growing back (don’t worry, we all have one!). Layered with homemade bitter chocolate biscuits (which is hands-down the biscuit recipe I make the most) and topped with dark chocolate, this is the kind of decadent deliciousness that I imagined the grown-ups were devouring while I was trying to fall asleep – except it doesn’t involve wrappers, so you’re safe!

Chocolate Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8-10


Chocolate Biscuits

100g butter, softened

50g Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar

100g self-raising flour

25g The Kate Tin Cocoa Powder


Mint No-Churn Ice Cream

1 x 400g tin condensed milk (Make your own with my recipe here – I made mine using the Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar)

Handful fresh mint leaves* (about 12g)

500ml cream, whipped

50g chopped peppermint crisp bar


Ice Cap Chocolate Sauce

1 cup The Kate Tin Dark Baking Chocolate, chopped

3 tbsp coconut oil (use unflavoured if you like)


Frosted Mint Leaves

Handful fresh mint leaves

1 egg white, beaten

1/2 cup Natura Golden Caster Sugar

Chopped peppermint crisp, to decorate


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius conventional (or 160 degrees celcius for fan-forced). Line a cookie sheet with baking paper. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients to form a soft dough then shape into a log on a lightly floured surface, wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Once chilled, cut the dough into 1/4cm thick discs and place on the lined baking tray, leaving enough space for the cookies to spread. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cookies are cooked through but still soft.  Allow to cool completely.

For the ice cream, place the condensed milk in a blender and add the mint leaves. Blend until smooth. Pour into the whipped cream and fold through gently. Lastly, fold in the chopped peppermint crisp. Prepare 20cm springform cake tin by lining the outside with cling wrap.To assemble the ice cream cake, arrange a layer of the biscuits in the bottom of the cake tin then pour 1/2 the ice cream mix over the top, add another layer of cookies, the rest of the ice cream and finish with a final layer of cookies then place in the freezer until firm. Pour any leftover ice cream in a seperate container and freeze until firm.

To make the frosted mint leaves, brush the leaves with a thin layer of egg white then toss in the caster sugar. Place on a cooling rack and allow to dry for 3-4 hours.  Unmould the ice cream cake by dipping briefly in room temperature tap water then loosening the bottom. Place on a cake stand then top with scoops of the leftover ice cream, drizzle with the chocolate sauce and decorate with chopped peppermint crisp and the frosted mint leaves.


*TIP To get a bright green colour, blanch the mint leaves in hot water briefly then refresh in ice water and drain well.

This post has been created in collaboration with Natura Sugars who produce a range of really special sugars that are unrefined and made according to traditional Mauritian sugar-making techniques. The sugars are non-GM, non-irradiated and unbleached with no preservatives, colourants or syrups added which basically means they are pure, natural and packed with flavour!  They’re available from Spar, Checkers and Pick ‘n Pay stores. 

Peppermint Crisp Tart Milkshake

Peppermint Crisp Tart Milkshake

You may have noticed that I LOVE taking traditional South African recipes and giving them a fresh new twist. There isn’t a South African worth their slip slops that will refuse a scoop of peppermint crisp tart at a braai and when I tried to explain this to Italian fiance his reaction was ‘What is peppermint crisp?’ All of my outrage aside, I had not realised until this moment, that the rest of the earth lives in a world without this glorious confection! Can you just imagine? Shame.  But don’t sympathise too long because what this means, is that there’s more for us. Yay.
I was given this sexy-looking Zoku Slush & Shake maker in September and have been patiently waiting for the perfect scorcher of a day to take it for a spin. This weekend, it finally happened. Thirty degree heat and I was happy, ‘cos I could make my decadent milkshake (which is my take on the peppermint crisp tart) and has been in the back of my mind all along.  The best part of this milkshake, is that it takes forever to melt because it’s made in this clever little gadget. You freeze the core of the Zoku (I just keep it in my freezer so when the urge arises, I can whip up a slushie or milkshake) then just pore in your milk mixture or fruit juice and in minutes, it freezes in front of your eyes. You can even add a little bit of booze… I’ll just let that sink in while your mind whirls with all the delicious icy possibilities it can create. Magic stuff. And such a great Christmas gift *hint hint*.

Peppermint crisp tart shakes

Serves 2


1 cup vanilla ice cream

180ml milk

1-2 tbsp caramel

1 peppermint crisp bar, crushed plus extra for garnish

Crushed coconut biscuits, to garnish


Blend the ice cream, milk and caramel until smooth then stir in the crushed peppermint crisp. Pour into the Zoku Slush & Shake and stir until thick. Serve garnished with peppermint crisp pieces and coconut biscuits.


*This post has been sponsored by the awesome people at Zoku who make an array of gadgets to whip up icy delights! Visit their website here or like the Facebook page for more yummy recipes. You can find the Slush & Shake makers at Boardmans, @Home and CNA stores or at